MACI Signs

MACI Signs brings the nation inspirational words and works for wholesome relationships. Whether you are on-the-road or online, our signs will bring you inspiration to take you to your next level of a wholesome life. Our flagship offers include Covenant News for the Nation; Excellence in every Good Work and Talking Taxis as featured below. Do you have a gift and passion for documenting and publicising inspirational life stories? Let us know. You could be the next member our of our media ministry team.

Covenant News for the Nation (CNN).
These are words of wisdom at a glance that come to readers in image format. They are selected and put together to provide scripture-as-you-go.

Excellence in every Good Work (EGW).
A collection of short stories told through profiles and pictures of inspirational works of CWM partners.

Talking Taxis:
A collection of select verses displayed on public transport vehicles.